Monday, January 14, 2008

Mi Corazón

My first granddaughter. What a joy! She is mi corazón! My heart! For me grand mothering is much better than mothering! I think that it is just because I have more time to give now. I have three beautiful granddaughters now, and I treasure every moment that I have with them. I am soooooo blessed!

My daughter is great at mothering! I don't know how she does it with three! What ever she is does, it works quite well!

My only complaint is that she lives in California and I live in Ohio. She doesn't fly. As I get older, it is more difficult for me to travel! I try really hard to keep in touch with my granddaughters, now 6, 3, and 2. When they first see me they all yell "Grandma", and run to give me a hug! This is so heart warming for me! My spirits are lifted so high...there's just nothing like it!

We keep in touch by telephone. Even the little one makes mommy dial grandma's telephone number. Just the other day I answered the phone and it was Lilly (2 years)...Grandma come! Grandma come! I was ready to book a flight immediately!

I wonder how other long distance grandmas/grandpas feel about this. How do you handle the heartbreak every time you have to leave?

1 comment:

jafabrit said...

It was very difficult for my mum in England. Thank goodness for computers, cell phones, and digital pics.

Your granddaughter is a doll :)